Sunrise to Sunset aboard the Space Station - related image preview

720 x 360

Sunrise to Sunset aboard the Space Station - related image preview

1440 x 960
257 KB - JPEG

Sunrise to Sunset aboard the Space Station - related image preview

720 x 360

Sunrise to Sunset aboard the Space Station - related image preview

1440 x 960
397 KB - JPEG

Sunrise to Sunset aboard the Space Station - related image preview

720 x 360

Sunrise to Sunset aboard the Space Station - related image preview

1440 x 960
267 KB - JPEG

Sunrise to Sunset aboard the Space Station - related mov preview placeholder

11 MB - MOV

Sunrise to Sunset aboard the Space Station - related mov preview placeholder

78 MB - MOV

Sunrise to Sunset aboard the Space Station

This sequence of time-lapse photographs illustrates roughly half an orbit of the International Space Station, from Northern Europe to Australia.

Astronaut photographs STS131-E-11693 to STS131-E-12195 courtesy NASA JSC Image Science & Analysis Laboratory. Animation & caption by Robert Simmon. Special thanks to William L. Stefanov, NASA-JSC.

Published June 28, 2010
Data acquired April 12, 2010

ISS > Digital Camera