ADEOS - related image preview

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This artist's rendering shows Japan's Advanced Earth Observing Satellite in low-Earth orbit carrying the NASA Scatterometer. NSCAT is the stick-like instrument in the foreground on the front of the satellite. At any given time NSCAT's array of six dual beam antennas -- each measuring 3 meters by 20 centimeters by 20 centimeters (10 feet by 6 inches by 6 inches) -- will scan two bands of ocean on either side of the satellite's near-polar sun-synchronous orbit. Information from NSCAT will help scientists predict climate changes and improve weather forecasts and will also help them understand ocean circulation and the role of air- sea interactions. The Japanese satellite and science instruments are scheduled for launch on August 16, 1996. The NSCAT instrument was built and will be managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.


Published August 13, 1996
Data acquired August 13, 1996