Lakes of the African Rift Valley - related image preview

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39 KB - JPEG

Lakes of the African Rift Valley - related image preview

1000 x 654
127 KB - JPEG

Lakes of the African Rift Valley

The lakes of the African Rift Valley exhibit wide variations in water color as can be seen in this SeaWiFS image. From left to right the lakes are: Lake Upembe, Lake Mwaru, Lake Tanganyika (largest), and Lake Rukwa. This image spans the southeastern corner of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, northeastern Zambia, and southern Tanzania.

Provided by the SeaWiFS Project, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, and ORBIMAGE

Published July 23, 2000
Data acquired July 23, 2000

OrbView-2 > SeaWiFS
Hydrosphere > Surface Water > Lakes