Central Mediterranean - related image preview

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49 KB - JPEG

Central Mediterranean - related image preview

2006 x 1963
658 KB - JPEG

Central Mediterranean

This is how the central Mediterranean area appeared to SeaWiFS on the first day of autumn. Mount Etna is sending an ash plume downwind while smoke from a fire in central Greece bespeaks a different wind direction. Dust continues to blow northward from Africa. The waters of the northern Italian coasts look fairly bright -- probably in part due to increased flow in rivers like the Po and Arno after severe weather two days ago.

Provided by the SeaWiFS Project, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, and ORBIMAGE

Published September 22, 2000
Data acquired September 22, 2000

OrbView-2 > SeaWiFS
Atmosphere > Aerosols > Dust/Ash