SeaWiFS: Sahara Dust Storms - related image preview

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SeaWiFS: Sahara Dust Storms - related image preview

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11 MB - PNG

SeaWiFS: Sahara Dust Storms

If you look closely at the full-resolution version of this SeaWiFS view of northern Africa, you can see several sand/dust plumes that are hundreds of kilometers long blowing generally westward (north is a bit to the left of straight up in this scene) across the desert.

Farther north over the Atlantic, the Alboran Sea, and the Iberian Peninsula, long linear clouds are visible. Many of these are possibly contrails from air traffic in the region.

Provided by the SeaWiFS Project, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, and ORBIMAGE

Published December 14, 2000
Data acquired December 13, 2000

OrbView-2 > SeaWiFS
Atmosphere > Aerosols > Dust/Ash