Mouth of the Yenisey River, Northern Russia - selected image

2400 x 1800
863 KB - JPEG

Mouth of the Yenisey River, Northern Russia - selected child image

0 x 0

Mouth of the Yenisey River, Northern Russia - related image preview

1200 x 900
166 KB - JPEG

Mouth of the Yenisey River, Northern Russia - related image preview

2400 x 1800
863 KB - JPEG

Mouth of the Yenisey River, Northern Russia - related image preview

4800 x 3600

Mouth of the Yenisey River, Northern Russia

This MODUIS true-color image shows the mouth of the Yennisey River, which runs north in roughly the center of the image, and the mouth of the larger Ob' River, which runs north to the left of the image. Both rivers are in Russia.

Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Land Rapid Response Team

Published June 9, 2001
Data acquired June 9, 2001

Terra > MODIS
Hydrosphere > Surface Water > Rivers/Streams