Fires near Salt Lake City, Utah, United States - related image preview

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75 KB - JPEG

Fires near Salt Lake City, Utah, United States - related image preview

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345 KB - JPEG

Fires near Salt Lake City, Utah, United States - related image preview

2400 x 1800
1011 KB Bytes - JPEG

Fires near Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

Fires near the Great Salt Lake, Utah, are marked with red dots in this true-color MODIS image. The forest-covered Wasatch Mountain Range stands out in dark green to the east of the Lake. The brownish-appearing mountains running East-West are the Uinta Mountains. Peaking through the clouds near the top of the image is bright blue Bear Lake, which straddles the border of Utah and Idaho, just west of their border with Wyoming.

Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Land Rapid Response Team

Published July 19, 2001
Data acquired July 18, 2001

Terra > MODIS
Human Dimensions > Environmental Impacts > Biomass Burning