Wildfires near Sydney, Australia - related image preview

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75 KB - JPEG

Wildfires near Sydney, Australia - related image preview

1050 x 1400
238 KB - JPEG

Wildfires near Sydney, Australia - related image preview

2100 x 2800
689 KB - JPEG

Wildfires near Sydney, Australia

This true-color image over Sydney, Australia, was taken on December 29, 2001, by the MODIS sensor flying aboard NASA's Terra satellite. The scene shows more than a dozen wildfires (red pixels) burning around the city, while their grey smoke plumes fill the skies.

Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Land Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC

Published January 8, 2002
Data acquired December 29, 2001

Terra > MODIS
Human Dimensions > Environmental Impacts > Biomass Burning