Tropical Cyclone Dina (10S) northeast of Mauritius and Reunion Islands, Indian Ocean - related image preview

1000 x 1300
361 KB - JPEG

Tropical Cyclone Dina (10S) northeast of Mauritius and Reunion Islands, Indian Ocean - related image preview

2000 x 2600
1 MB Bytes - JPEG

Tropical Cyclone Dina (10S) northeast of Mauritius and Reunion Islands, Indian Ocean - related image preview

4000 x 5200

Tropical Cyclone Dina (10S) northeast of Mauritius and Reunion Islands, Indian Ocean - related image preview

8000 x 10400
10 MB Bytes - JPEG

Tropical Cyclone Dina (10S) northeast of Mauritius and Reunion Islands, Indian Ocean

This MODIS image shows Tropical Cyclone 10S (Dina) northeast of Mauritius and Reunion Islands in the Indian Ocean. This image was captured on January 20, 2002.

Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Land Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC

Published January 20, 2002
Data acquired January 20, 2002

Terra > MODIS
Atmosphere > Atmospheric Phenomena > Cyclones