Cloud streets in Barents Sea - related image preview

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Cloud streets in Barents Sea - related image preview

2000 x 2600

Cloud streets in Barents Sea - related image preview

4000 x 5200

Cloud streets in Barents Sea

The interesting cloud formations seen in this MODIS image from April 24, 2002, are called cloud streets. Cloud streets are a common occurrence in mid and high latitudes where cold air, in this case Arctic air blowing south from Franz-Josef Land, passes over warmer ocean waters, in this case the Barents Sea. They are caused by convection in the layer of the atmosphere closest to the Earth--the boundary layer--which results in vortices that orient themselves along the path of the wind. The dynamic air patterns that result from the vortices produce the alternating cloud layers. This image was acquired by MODIS on April 24, 2002.

Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Land Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC

Published May 1, 2002
Data acquired April 24, 2002

Terra > MODIS