Fires and burn scars in Kazakhstan - related image preview

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176 KB - JPEG

Fires and burn scars in Kazakhstan - related image preview

1800 x 1400
605 KB - JPEG

Fires and burn scars in Kazakhstan - related image preview

3600 x 2800

Fires and burn scars in Kazakhstan

This series of true- and false-color images from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) are centered on Kazakhstan in western Asia. The images begin in late July and extend into early August 2002. At the bottom center of the images (bottom right on August 2) is the Aral Sea. Numerous fires were detected by MODIS and are marked with red dots. In the false-color images, vegetation is bright green, and the burned areas are enhanced. Active fire detections are indicated with red dots.

Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Land Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC

Published August 25, 2002
Data acquired July 28 - 28, 2002

Terra > MODIS
Human Dimensions > Natural Hazards > Fires
MODIS Rapid Response