Northern Alaska - related image preview

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Northern Alaska - related image preview

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814 KB - JPEG

Northern Alaska - related image preview

4200 x 3200

Northern Alaska

A blanket of snow gives the Brooks Range Mountains in northern Alaska an etched appearance in this true-color Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) image from October 15, 2002. North of the mountains, scores of small lakes dot the tundra of Alaska’s North Slope. Large volumes of sediment stain the Arctic waters at the top of the image brownish-green.The Beaufort Sea sits at the top of the image, while the Chukchi Sea peeks in at the middle of the left edge of the image and connects to the Kotzebue Sound. South of the Sound is the Seward Peninsula, which is a deep red-brown free of snow.

Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC

Published November 7, 2002
Data acquired October 15 - 15, 2002

Terra > MODIS