Start Date: End Date: Published Date Data Date
Data acquired December 10 - 10, 2002 800 x 600 136 KB - JPEG
Data acquired December 10 - 10, 2002 1600 x 1200 508 KB - JPEG
Data acquired December 10 - 10, 2002 3200 x 2400 1 MB Bytes - JPEG
On December 10, 2002, winter seemed to have already arrived in southern Ukraine (left) and Russia (right). The landscape is a dull brown, and dotted with small frozen lakes. The Dnieper River flowing into the Sea of Azov from upper left is beginning to freeze in sections, and the Sea itself is developing a covering of ice. The Sea has a gray-green cast, while the Black Sea to the south appears dark, clear blue.
Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC
Published December 29, 2002 Data acquired December 10 - 10, 2002