Phytoplankton bloom in southern Persian Gulf - related image preview

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Phytoplankton bloom in southern Persian Gulf - related image preview

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Phytoplankton bloom in southern Persian Gulf - related image preview

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Phytoplankton bloom in southern Persian Gulf

Clouds of sediment color the southern Persian Gulf turquoiseblue in this true-color Aqua Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)image from February 18, 2003. The sediment is also likely to be mixedwith microscopic marine organisms, especially where the clouds take a moredecidedly green tinge, such as in the eastern end of the Gulf where Iranand The United Arab Emirates draw close to one another. Also visible areSaudi Arabia (lower left corner), Qatar (the north-pointing peninsula atimage left), Bahrain (the large island between Qatar and the UAE), andOman (lower right edge).

Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Rapid Response Team,NASA/GSFC

Published February 20, 2003
Data acquired February 18 - 18, 2003

Aqua > MODIS