Spring Ice Chokes the Bering Strait - related image preview

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Spring Ice Chokes the Bering Strait - related image preview

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Spring Ice Chokes the Bering Strait - related image preview

342 x 228

Spring Ice Chokes the Bering Strait

MODIS image of the Bering Sea, Bering Strait and southern Arctic Ocean acquired 7 May 2000. Image generated from MODIS band 2 (0.85 µm) at 250 m spatial resolution. Detailed structure and leads in the ice pack are apparent. Ice flow from the Bering Strait southward to the Bering Sea is seen in great detail.

George Riggs, NASA GSFC

Published June 15, 2000
Data acquired May 7, 2000

OrbView-2 > SeaWiFS
Terra > MODIS