Start Date: End Date: Published Date Data Date
Data acquired April 28 - 28, 2003 1300 x 1000 429 KB - JPEG
Data acquired April 28 - 28, 2003 2600 x 2000 1 MB Bytes - JPEG
Data acquired April 28 - 28, 2003 5200 x 4000 4 MB - JPEG
The Aqua MODIS instrument captured this true-color image of a dust storm in Pakistan on April 26, 2003. The plume of dust blows south and eventually dissipates over the Arabian Sea. Just visible in the northwestern corner of the image is southeastern Afghanistan, and in the southeast corner is a small part of western India. The Pakistan-India border shown here lies in the Indus River Valley, an area that has cities dating back to 3500 BC.
Snow still coats the higher elevations of northwestern Canada and southeastern Alaska in this true-color Terra MODIS image acquired on April 28, 2003. The left side of the image features two major mountain ranges—the Coast Mountains, which continue down into the US´ northern California; and the beginnings of the Rocky Mountains (starting at left center and continuing southeast). On the right side of the image, the lowland plains of northern Canada show in shades of dark green, brown, and red, and are dotted with countless lakes and rivers, which show up as a frozen white. The large lake in the upper right corner of the image is the Great Slave Lake, which was named for the Slave (Dogrib) tribe of Native Americans. This second-largest Canadian lake is fed primarily by the Hay and Slave Rivers, and drains into the Arctic Ocean via the Mackenzie River.
Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC
Published April 29, 2003 Data acquired April 28 - 28, 2003