Fires in Northern Baja California, Mexico - related image preview

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Fires in Northern Baja California, Mexico - related image preview

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263 KB - JPEG

Fires in Northern Baja California, Mexico - related image preview

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750 KB - JPEG

Fires in Northern Baja California, Mexico

One large and two smaller fires were detected near the US-Mexico border in the Mexican state of Baja California Norte on June 29, 2003. The largest fire is actually a group of four fires (see high-resolution image) burning in the foothills of the Sierra de Juarez mountains, about 20 miles southeast of Tecate. About 30 miles east of Ensenada, a shipping port on the Pacific, is one of the smaller fires. The other small fire is located about 30 miles south of Mexicali, one of the larger border towns scattered along the US-Mexico border. A large, grayish patch on the Pacific Coast at the border is San Diego (U.S.) and Tijuana (Mexico). The much larger gray patch farther up the coast is Los Angeles.

A large blanket of clouds stretches along the coast over the Pacific. Peeking through it are a few of the Channel Islands. Southernmost is San Clemente Island, with Santa Catalina Island to the north and Santa Barbara Island to the east. This true-color image was acquired by the Terra MODIS sensor.

Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC

Published June 30, 2003
Data acquired June 29 - 29, 2003

Terra > MODIS
Human Dimensions > Natural Hazards > Fires
MODIS Rapid Response