Floods in Bangladesh and India - related image preview

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Floods in Bangladesh and India - related image preview

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Floods in Bangladesh and India - related image preview

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Floods in Bangladesh and India

Large parts of Bangladesh (left of center) and India (left edge and upper right) are underwater in these images from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on the Aqua satellite captured August 3, 2003. The false-color images have been enhanced to show the presence of water, which appears dark blue, while vegetation remains green, and clouds are white (liquid water) or light blue (ice crystals).

Rivers appear to be out of their banks and the terrain surrounding the Ganges River (flowing in from left center edge) and the Brahmaputra River (flowing in from upper right) is waterlogged, with standing water giving the landscape a bruised appearance. Although flooding during the monsoon is normal, many parts of India, Bangladesh and Nepal are experiencing more severe flooding than usual.

Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC

Published August 7, 2003
Data acquired August 3 - 3, 2003

Aqua > MODIS
Hydrosphere > Surface Water > Floods
MODIS Rapid Response