Start Date: End Date: Published Date Data Date
Data acquired May 5, 2004 900 x 700 253 KB - JPEG
Data acquired May 5, 2004 1800 x 1400 1016 KB Bytes - JPEG
Data acquired May 5, 2004 3600 x 2800 4 MB - JPEG
Data acquired May 5, 2004 7200 x 5600 12 MB - JPEG
The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) shows the distribution of vegetation across Central Africa. The most densely vegetated areas are dark green, and regions with little or no vegetation are gold. The NDVI image correlates well with the true-color image that accompanies it. The dark green area surrounding the Uele River, which forms the border between the Central African Republic on the north and the Democratic Republic of the Congo on the south is correspondingly green in the true-color image.
The two images also show Central Africa’s three biomes. On the top is the Sahara Desert with little vegetation. To its south are the grasslands of the Sahel. In the lower section of the images is the rainforest surrounding the Congo River. The Congo itself forms an upside-down “u” in the bottom center of the image.
Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC
Published May 5, 2004 Data acquired May 5, 2004