Humans, El Nino Conspire to Boost Carbon Monoxide Levels - related image preview

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Humans, El Nino Conspire to Boost Carbon Monoxide Levels - related geotiff image preview placeholder

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Humans, El Nino Conspire to Boost Carbon Monoxide Levels - related image preview

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1 MB Bytes - JPEG

Humans, El Nino Conspire to Boost Carbon Monoxide Levels - related geotiff image preview placeholder

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342 KB - GeoTIFF

Humans, El Nino Conspire to Boost Carbon Monoxide Levels - related image preview

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Humans, El Nino Conspire to Boost Carbon Monoxide Levels

Who is responsible when smoke fills the sky? Do people who set agricultural fires deserve the blame, or are natural cycles the real culprit? The correct answer may be “yes.” In the case of wildfires in Indonesia, human activity and natural cycles likely conspire to create devastating fire seasons.

NASA image created by Jesse Allen, using data provided courtesy of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and the University of Toronto MOPITT Teams.

Published March 2, 2007

Terra > MOPITT