A Persistent Plume over the Red Sea - related image preview

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A Persistent Plume over the Red Sea - related image preview

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535 KB - JPEG

A Persistent Plume over the Red Sea - related image preview

3328 x 2140
479 KB - JPEG

A Persistent Plume over the Red Sea - related image preview

3328 x 2140
672 KB - JPEG

A Persistent Plume over the Red Sea - related image preview

3328 x 2140
534 KB - JPEG

A Persistent Plume over the Red Sea - related image preview

3328 x 2140
404 KB - JPEG

A Persistent Plume over the Red Sea - related image preview

3328 x 2140
659 KB - JPEG

A Persistent Plume over the Red Sea - related image preview

720 x 480

A Persistent Plume over the Red Sea

Dust storms are a regular occurrence along the arid shores of the Red Sea. But why do they all seem to have the same shape?

NASA images courtesy Jeff Schmaltz, LANCE/EOSDIS MODIS Rapid Response Team at NASA GSFC. Caption by Holli Riebeek.

Published August 1, 2013
Data acquired July 1 - 27, 2013

Aqua > MODIS
MODIS Rapid Response