Floods on the Kafue River, Zambia - related image preview

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Floods on the Kafue River, Zambia - related image preview

3800 x 3400

Floods on the Kafue River, Zambia - related geotiff image preview placeholder

3112 x 1776
19 MB - GeoTIFF

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Floods on the Kafue River, Zambia - related image preview


Floods on the Kafue River, Zambia - related image preview

540 x 709

Floods on the Kafue River, Zambia

The swampy wetlands that surround Zambia’s Kafue River were submerged with water on February 14, 2008. The river floods seasonally, but the rainy season of 2007-2008 caused exceptional flooding across southern Africa. Under the influence of unusually intense rains, the Kafue River spanned tens of kilometers.

NASA images courtesy the MODIS Rapid Response Team at NASA GSFC. Caption by Holli Riebeek.

Published February 16, 2008
Data acquired December 2, 2007 - February 14, 2008

Terra > MODIS