Start Date: End Date: Published Date Data Date
Data acquired August 13 - March 20, 2008 720 x 480 PNG
Data acquired August 13 - March 20, 2008 720 x 480 226 KB - GeoTIFF
Data acquired August 13 - March 20, 2008 21 KB - KML/KMZ
342 x 228 PNG
An early spring storm system advanced out of the Southern Plains in mid-March 2008, causing widespread flooding. Strong southerly winds developed ahead of an area of low pressure located over the Southern High Plains and drew moisture up from the Gulf of Mexico across Texas and Louisiana. This warm, moist air collided with a frontal boundary, producing repeated bouts of thunderstorms and heavy rain from central Texas through Oklahoma and into Kansas and Missouri.
NASA images by Jesse Allen, using data provided courtesy of the TRMM team. Caption by Steve Lang (SSAI/NASA GSFC).
Published March 21, 2008 Data acquired August 13 - March 20, 2008