Sea Ice in the Bellingshausen Sea - related image preview

720 x 480

Sea Ice in the Bellingshausen Sea - related image preview

5760 x 3840

Sea Ice in the Bellingshausen Sea - related image preview

720 x 480

Sea Ice in the Bellingshausen Sea - related image preview

979 x 653
283 KB - JPEG

Sea Ice in the Bellingshausen Sea - related image preview

720 x 417

Sea Ice in the Bellingshausen Sea - related image preview

720 x 480

Sea Ice in the Bellingshausen Sea

A spectacular view of sea ice was captured during an Operation IceBridge flight in 2014; the mission surveyed ice at both poles again in 2015, this time simultaneously.

IceBridge DMS L0 Raw Imagery courtesy of the Digital Mapping System (DMS) team and the NASA DAAC at the National Snow and Ice Data Center. Aircraft photograph by John Sonntag, mission scientist for the 2015 Operation IceBridge Arctic campaign. Caption by Kathryn Hansen.

Published October 4, 2015
Data acquired November 5, 2014

Aircraft Sensors > DMS