The Digital Tectonic Activity Map was first drawn in 1977, under the title "Global Tectonic and Volcanic Activity of the Last One Million Years," as an overlay to the National Geographic Society's Physical World map. It underwent many revisions up to 1998. However, new data bases and cartographic methods made a completely new map possible, the result being the Digital Tectonic Activity Map (DTAM) in which different versions depict crustal motions, seismicity, earthquakes, & continental and oceanic crust.
The purpose of the map, like that of the original, is to present an accurate, objective, and realistic graphical compilation of contemporary global tectonic and volcanic activity, which can serve as a scientific, educational, and research planning tool.
Editor's Note: These images were originally published in October 2002.
Image and data processing by Paul Lowman and Jacob Yates, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. These images were originally published at in 2002.
Published October 1, 2002