What is Behind Rising Levels of Methane in the Atmosphere?  - related image preview

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What is Behind Rising Levels of Methane in the Atmosphere?  - related image preview

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What is Behind Rising Levels of Methane in the Atmosphere?  - related image preview

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What is Behind Rising Levels of Methane in the Atmosphere?  - related image preview

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What is Behind Rising Levels of Methane in the Atmosphere?

While contributions from fossil fuels, agriculture, and wetlands have gone up, methane emissions from fires are declining.

NASA Earth Observatory images by Joshua Stevens, using data from the Global Fire Emissions Database and the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory. Story by Adam Voiland (NASA Earth Observatory), based on information from a press release by Carol Rasmussen (NASA's Earth Science News Team).

Published January 11, 2018
Data acquired 2000 - 2016

Aqua > MODIS
In situ Measurement
Terra > MODIS