Smoke from Saskatchewan fires (Canada) off Svalbard and Norway - related image preview

1500 x 1150
240 KB - JPEG

Smoke from Saskatchewan fires (Canada) off Svalbard and Norway - related image preview

6000 x 4600

Smoke from Saskatchewan fires (Canada) off Svalbard and Norway - related image preview

3000 x 2300
883 KB - JPEG

Smoke from Saskatchewan fires (Canada) off Svalbard and Norway

Smoke from Saskatchewan fires (Canada) off Svalbard and Norway
region: Ar Eu
projection: Lambert Azimuthal
projection center lon: 10
image center lon: 25
image center lat: 75.5
UL lon: -8.8381
UL lat: 80.6943
LR lon: 38.7221
LR lat: 68.0407

Images by the MODIS Rapid Response team.

Published July 12, 2002
Data acquired July 12, 2002

Terra > MODIS
Rapid Response Gallery