Burn scar of the Biscuit Fire, Oregon (false color) - related image preview

450 x 600
94 KB - JPEG

Burn scar of the Biscuit Fire, Oregon (false color) - related image preview

1800 x 2400
978 KB - JPEG

Burn scar of the Biscuit Fire, Oregon (false color) - related image preview

900 x 1200
341 KB - JPEG

Burn scar of the Biscuit Fire, Oregon (false color)

Burn scar of the Biscuit Fire, Oregon
(false color)
region: NA
United States California
sat: Terra
projection: Plate Carree
projection center lon: -123
image center lon: -123
image center lat: 42.5
UL lon: -125.7213
UL lat: 45.1965
LR lon: -120.2756
LR lat: 39.8006

Images by the MODIS Rapid Response team.

Published September 1, 2002
Data acquired September 1, 2002

Terra > MODIS
Rapid Response Gallery