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Sulfur Dioxide Increasing Over India
1968 x 1965 843 KB - JPEG
Published December 20, 2013
A new analysis of data from the Aura satellite shows greater concentrations of this atmospheric pollutant.
Related images:
720 x 540 JPEG
1968 x 1965 1 MB Bytes - JPEG
1968 x 1965 879 KB - JPEG
1968 x 1965 911 KB - JPEG
112 KB - KML/KMZ
A Satellite’s View of Ship Pollution
1800 x 1800 2 MB - JPEG
Published February 8, 2013
Elevated levels of nitrogen dioxide popped out over certain shipping lanes when observed by Aura.
720 x 684 JPEG
Volcanic Fertilizer
900 x 600 785 KB - JPEG
Published January 31, 2013
An eruption in the Aleutian Islands prompts a bloom of plankton 2000 miles downwind. The ocean soaks up carbon dioxide in the process, but not as much as you'd think.
720 x 240 PNG
720 x 240 JPEG
720 x 166 JPEG
Watching the Ozone Hole Before and After the Montreal Protocol
1460 x 1580 521 KB - JPEG
Published September 18, 2012
NASA satellites have observed the Antarctic ozone hole since the late 1970s—before and after nations agreed to stop producing chemicals that destroy the ozone layer.
720 x 666 JPEG
4 MB - MOV
21 MB - MOV
SO2 Pollution Controls Bring Results
2808 x 1872 394 KB - PNG
Published December 2, 2011
Scientists using a NASA satellite found that sulfur dioxide levels in the vicinity of major coal-fired power plants in the U.S. have fallen by half since 2005.
720 x 480 PNG
2808 x 1872 407 KB - PNG
A Day of Night-Shining Clouds
3022 x 2198 1 MB Bytes - PNG
Published January 28, 2011
High-altitude night-shining clouds form and dissipate on a daily cycle revealed in this series of images made from data from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument on NASA’s Aura satellite.
720 x 479 PNG
Night-Shining Clouds are Getting Brighter
5184 x 3456 793 KB - JPEG
Published January 27, 2011
The rare night-shining clouds seen in this photo are both forming more frequently and becoming brighter, trends that point to changes in the atmosphere linked to greenhouse gases.
720 x 480 JPEG
720 x 248 PNG
75 KB - PDF